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Provide Care With Secondary Tubing
By using secondary tubing , which can be just as safe as primary tubing for many IV uses, this team saved a bunch of money.
- When not medically necessary, primary tubing is wasteful.
- Switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing, whenever appropriate

Calls Resonate for Ultrasounds
Patients did a better job of showing up for appointments when members of this Radiology team simply called to remind them.
- No-shows adversely affect care and the entire lab.
- Dividing reminder calls among several staffers

Kid Food: Serve It
Pediatrics team suggested kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and created restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals.
- Kids need to eat, and wasted food is wasting money.
- Offering kid-friendly food items

Get Out Front of Hypertension
Adult Primary Care team increased the proportion of patients with their high blood pressure under control after a concerted outreach effort.
- Controlling high-blood pressure is essential to patient health.
- Reaching out to at-risk patients for hypertension, especially diabetics

Skin-to-Skin Is Best for Babies
The proportion of newborns getting at least 60 minutes of skin-to-skin contact with their moms soared after this labor and delivery team communicated with staff about the importance of this practice.
- Skin-to-skin contact improves bonding, and helps to regulate heart rate and respiration.
- Teaching everyone the importance of skin-to-skin contact

The 4-1-1 On Your New Baby
Parent satisfaction scores went up with this NICU team used a checklist to teach new parents about their baby and created a script for nurses that didn't feel rehearsed.
- Health care providers play a key role in teaching new parents skills to take care of baby.
- Creating a checklist as a teaching tool

New Needles Bruise Less, Please Patients
Complaints about bruising dropped after this lab team took action to identify the root of the problem and get better supplies.
- A gentle touch shows patients we care and reduces their anxiety.
- Switching to a different needle provider

Follow-Up Orders Save Lives
Adhering to important guidelines to keep patients safe and healthy after surgery was high after this team educated staff and coordinated with pharmacists and other teams to ensure compliance.
- VTE prophylaxis helps prevent post-operative complications.
- Coordinating with pharmacies to keep with SCIP guidelines

Cut Transport Turnaround Times
This Transport team got patients discharged or to their next destination quicker when they began keeping gurneys where they were needed, cleaned and ready for the next patient.
- Reducing transport times improves inpatient care, service and efficiency.
- Placing equipment where needed

Always Wash Your Hands
The pediatrics team increased hand-washing rates after it put up posters of cute kids as hand-washing reminders and made other common-sense improvements.
- Hand-washing is a simple way to combat inpatient infection.
- Posting reminders to regularly wash hands

How to Improve Telemetry Monitoring
By tightening up processes and communication, this telemetry team improved the way it monitors patients.
- A patient deprived of oxygen for 4 to 6 minutes can suffer brain damage.
- Creating reminders for staff to check monitors

Fast Pass Reduces Unneeded Tests
The lab team saved time and money when it identified which tests oncology patients actually needed, they created a pass to get patients to the front of the line, and fast-tracked the processing of tests.
- Getting the patient through the lab more quickly gets them diagnosed sooner.
- A "golden ticket" fast track system ensured patients got the tests they needed