
Help Video

How to Find UBT Basics on the LMP Website

Learn how to use the LMP website:

LMP Website Overview

Learn how to use the LMP website:

How to Find How-To Guides

This short animated video explains how to find and use our powerful how-to guides

Learn how to use the LMP website:

How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices

Does your team want to improve service? Or clinical quality? If you don't know where to start, check out the team-tested practices on the LMP website. This short video shows you how. 

Learn how to use the LMP website:

How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website

Having trouble using the search function? Check out this short video to help you search like a pro!

Learn how to use the LMP website:

How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website

Need to find a checklist, template or puzzle? Don't know where to start? Check out this short video to find the tools you need on the LMP website with just a few clicks. 

Learn how to use the LMP website:


Huddle Power


Successful unit-based teams, those that continuously improve performance and lead change, use huddles to share information and stay on top of team business. This video highlights two KP teams that regularly huddle to tackle day-to-day issues, advance performance improvement projects and give "snaps" to colleagues who go the extra mile. See how huddles and snapping have helped these teams improve communication, morale and best of all—patient care.


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