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How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices
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How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
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Better Attendance Brings Big Rewards
Last-minute sick calls dropped by 40% after team members learned about the negative impact of such calls and explored time-off options.
- Decreasing last-minute sick calls protects staff members from stress and burnout that affect morale and performance.
- Educating the entire team on the impact of last-minute sick calls and rewarding them for perfect attendance.

Emails Lick Stamps and Envelopes
Sending emails — rather than letters — is cheaper, faster and more convenient for our patients.
- Email provides patients with timely information about their appointments and enhances our ability to deliver safe, affordable and convenient quality care and service.
- Tracking the number of paper envelopes mailed to patients

How to Boost Team Morale
Improved workflow and coordination help a short-staffed telemetry team reduce overtime and schedule an RN to cover them while on break, boosting staff morale.
- Overtime costs can put a dent in department budgets and overworked employees are at greater risk for workplace injuries.
- Scheduling a relief RN to cover staff members on break, reducing the frequency of missed breaks

Costco and Goldilocks Inspire Savings
This outpatient pharmacy team saved more than $1 million in five months by increasing bulk purchasing and ordering just the right amount—no more, no less—of high-cost medications for members.
- By ordering the right amount of drugs, the pharmacy saved money and helped keep KP affordable for our members.
- Working with pharmacists to better manage the ordering of specialty drugs

All Hands for
Primary care team used the entire staff for a sign-up promotion, they posted signs to encourage registration, and spoke with patients about the benefits of
- Members are better served and get better care when signed up with
- Getting all team members involved in the promotional effort

Kid Food: Serve It
Pediatrics team suggested kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and created restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals.
- Kids need to eat, and wasted food is wasting money.
- Offering kid-friendly food items

Dressing Room Cuts Wait Times
Wait times for patients plummeted when this radiology made a small change with a big impact.
- Long waits frustrate patients and reduce access to care.
- Converting closet into a dressing room

Ensure On-Time Blood Labs
This team's ability to get results back to doctors quickly improved when it tweaked workflows and schedules.
- Delivering blood results on time provides better patient care.
- Having lab assistants round to pick up blood samples earlier

Cut Transport Turnaround Times
This Transport team got patients discharged or to their next destination quicker when they began keeping gurneys where they were needed, cleaned and ready for the next patient.
- Reducing transport times improves inpatient care, service and efficiency.
- Placing equipment where needed

Paying a Fair Share for Orthotic Supplies
The team began to properly charge members for orthotic supplies and increased revenue.
- Increased revenue helps us continue to provide high-quality care to our members.
- Identifying loss of revenue and creating new plan

Taking a Closer Look
A Vision Essentials Optical Center team figured out ways to reduce the prescription glasses redo rate.
- Reducing the redo rate for prescription glasses benefits employees and patients in terms of money and time.
- Coaching employees on new HealthConnect protocols and collaborating with other teams

Let’s Talk About Copayments
Copay collection went up after this Admitting team learned about resources available to member who have trouble paying their bills.
- Patient copayments are one of several sources of revenue that affect Kaiser Permanente's bottom line and enable us to provide high-quality health care and pay workers’ wages.
- Educating and training staff about financial help available to members