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Calls Resonate for Ultrasounds
Patients did a better job of showing up for appointments when members of this Radiology team simply called to remind them.
- No-shows adversely affect care and the entire lab.
- Dividing reminder calls among several staffers

Follow-Up Orders Save Lives
Adhering to important guidelines to keep patients safe and healthy after surgery was high after this team educated staff and coordinated with pharmacists and other teams to ensure compliance.
- VTE prophylaxis helps prevent post-operative complications.
- Coordinating with pharmacies to keep with SCIP guidelines

How to Improve Telemetry Monitoring
By tightening up processes and communication, this telemetry team improved the way it monitors patients.
- A patient deprived of oxygen for 4 to 6 minutes can suffer brain damage.
- Creating reminders for staff to check monitors

Fast Pass Reduces Unneeded Tests
The lab team saved time and money when it identified which tests oncology patients actually needed, they created a pass to get patients to the front of the line, and fast-tracked the processing of tests.
- Getting the patient through the lab more quickly gets them diagnosed sooner.
- A "golden ticket" fast track system ensured patients got the tests they needed