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Kid Food: Serve It
Pediatrics team suggested kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and created restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals.
- Kids need to eat, and wasted food is wasting money.
- Offering kid-friendly food items

The 4-1-1 On Your New Baby
Parent satisfaction scores went up with this NICU team used a checklist to teach new parents about their baby and created a script for nurses that didn't feel rehearsed.
- Health care providers play a key role in teaching new parents skills to take care of baby.
- Creating a checklist as a teaching tool

Follow-Up Orders Save Lives
Adhering to important guidelines to keep patients safe and healthy after surgery was high after this team educated staff and coordinated with pharmacists and other teams to ensure compliance.
- VTE prophylaxis helps prevent post-operative complications.
- Coordinating with pharmacies to keep with SCIP guidelines

Cut Transport Turnaround Times
This Transport team got patients discharged or to their next destination quicker when they began keeping gurneys where they were needed, cleaned and ready for the next patient.
- Reducing transport times improves inpatient care, service and efficiency.
- Placing equipment where needed

Always Wash Your Hands
The pediatrics team increased hand-washing rates after it put up posters of cute kids as hand-washing reminders and made other common-sense improvements.
- Hand-washing is a simple way to combat inpatient infection.
- Posting reminders to regularly wash hands

The Key to Great Service: Call and Response
Service scores shot up when this oncology team paired a nurse with a buddy to help with patient response.
- Responding to a patient’s needs is central to their care.
- Pairing with a buddy can shorten patient response times

No One Walks Alone
From an average of 16 patient falls per month, the number went down to three a month.
- Both patients and morale were suffering at the San Diego Medical Center telemetry unit, which had twice as many patient falls as the next-worst unit.
- Treat every patient as a fall risk and ensure each patient is accompanied — especially to and from the bathroom, when most falls occur

Preventing Patient Falls
Team reduced patient falls by 40 percent in one year.
- Keeping patients safe is a top priority.
- Daily huddles and debriefs

Why Speaking Up Matters
Patients suffer fewer hospital-acquired infections and staff has high morale and low turnover.
- Speaking up leads to fewer patient infections and more satisfied staff.
- Physicians, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers and other caregivers take part in multidisciplinary daily patient rounding together