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How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices
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How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
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Savings Arrive on Wheels
Emergency Department clerks saved more than $88,000 in paper and copying costs by switching to laptop computers on wheels to gather member signatures instead of paper registration forms.
- Leaving old tools behind and embracing new technology leads to savings and efficiency.
- By using laptops on wheels, the team saved $88,000 in paper records, copying, ink, paper and scanning.

Helping Patients Pay for the Care They Need
By finding ways to ensure forms are filled out thoroughly and correctly, this team helped members get and pay for needed care and increased their own efficiency.
- In-need patients can quality for charity care programs.
- Standardizing note-taking styles to ensure consistency

Choosing to Work Positively
Medical center operators find ways to manage the stress of answering tens of thousands of phone calls per month.
- Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the positive helps reduce stress at work and home.
- Create a gratitude jar and gratitude tree to build morale, relieve stress

Bring Mail Together and Save
These team saved thousands of dollars when it took gradual steps to centralize mail processing for whole region. negotiated lower rates for vendor services.
- Saving money helps us keep KP affordable for members and patients.
- Facilities sorted and metered mail at fewer locations, enabling the team to negotiate lower rates for vendor services

Creative Thinking Speeds Up Lab
After it rejiggered its workflows, this lab team cut wait times dramatically.
- Patients waiting an hour at the lab is unacceptable.
- Shifting schedules to accommodate more patients

New Needles Bruise Less, Please Patients
Complaints about bruising dropped after this lab team took action to identify the root of the problem and get better supplies.
- A gentle touch shows patients we care and reduces their anxiety.
- Switching to a different needle provider

Speak Up on Patient Malnutrition
The nutrition team improved communication to better identify and treat malnourished patients.
- Patients with malnutrition may not be apparent during short hospital stay.
- Using key phrases to identify malnourished patients

Communication Goes a Long Way
Member satisfaction increased once folks on the pediatrics unit began a campaign to improve communication with each other.
- A happy staff is a productive staff and better serves the members.
- Having short, informal but frequent meetings

Corralling Cancer with Coughs and Sneezes
Allergy team uses script and reminders to provide timely health screenings to patients.
- Identifying health risks and signs of disease as early as possible helps us deliver on Kaiser Permanente’s Total Health promise.
- Collaborating and sharing data to identify missed opportunities to provide health screenings

Stopping the Line for Safety
Errors drop significantly as team improved its process and culture.
- Poor communication accounts for more than 60 percent of medication errors nationwide, and contributes to a significant increase in patient complications or death.
- Radiologic technologists are asked to speak up immediately and “stop the line” if they encounter any deviation from workflow or a risk to patient safety.

Pharmacy Cuts Wait Times
Pharmacy team fills 89 percent of prescriptions in 15 minutes, and improves patient satisfaction scores 5.7 percent in one year.
- Backups in workflow contribute to long patient wait times and low patient satisfaction scores.
- A pharmacist now continually monitors incoming same-day prescriptions, and moves them ahead of the line to be processed immediately.

Engaging Eye Exams
96 percent of engaged ophthalmic patients due for breast, colorectal or cervical cancer screenings agreed to a preventive health screening.
- Preventive screenings are key to early detection and treatment of conditions and diseases, so encouraging patients to receive needed screenings helps manage their health.
- Measure and report weekly on level of staff engagement with patients and resulting successful screenings