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Get Out Front of Hypertension
Adult Primary Care team increased the proportion of patients with their high blood pressure under control after a concerted outreach effort.
- Controlling high-blood pressure is essential to patient health.
- Reaching out to at-risk patients for hypertension, especially diabetics

Look to ID Persistent Asthma
This Pediatrics department identified persistent asthmatics and helped them manage their chronic condition better.
- We can offer excellent care to our youngest asthma patients by helping them manage their condition to avoid scary ER visits.
- Proactively identifying asthma patients and explaining the medication regimen

Better Workflow Controls Blood Pressure
Primary care team increased percentage of hypertensive patients whose blood pressure is under control, from 65 percent to 76 percent in four months.
- Hypertension is a serious health problem that can lead to heart failure or a heart attack.
- Clinical nursing assistants consistently sent patients with elevated blood pressure to nurse practitioners for management

Transformed Team Tracks Transplant Patients
UBT dramatically improves the percentage of kidney transplant patients getting follow-up screenings and services.
- Regular follow-up care is crucial for kidney transplant patients, who are at risk for a host of complications, including cancer and pneumonia.
- Team hosted a special clinic for post-transplant patients, enabling them to get all their follow-up care in one visit