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Speeding Up Door-to-Door Trips
Transport time dropped when this team coordinated with other departments, ensured labs and meds were ready and made other improvements.
- A long wheelchair ride is inefficient and poor patient service.
- Getting better chairs improved transport times

Communication Goes a Long Way
Member satisfaction increased once folks on the pediatrics unit began a campaign to improve communication with each other.
- A happy staff is a productive staff and better serves the members.
- Having short, informal but frequent meetings

The Key to Great Service: Call and Response
Service scores shot up when this oncology team paired a nurse with a buddy to help with patient response.
- Responding to a patient’s needs is central to their care.
- Pairing with a buddy can shorten patient response times

Young Asthma Patients Need Refills
Pediatrics department identified asthmatic patients and explained the benefits of inhaled corticosteroids, increasing the number of refills for patients who needed them.
- Taking medication regularly helps patients manage their asthma.
- Reaching out to asthma patients to recommend refilling their medications

Work Together to Process Tests
By coordinating with other departments, like emergency and transportation, the diagnostic imagining department could better serve patients at a brisk and efficient pace.
- More timely results help patients get timely care.
- Communicating with nurses and staff before a patient is moved for a test

Look to ID Persistent Asthma
This Pediatrics department identified persistent asthmatics and helped them manage their chronic condition better.
- We can offer excellent care to our youngest asthma patients by helping them manage their condition to avoid scary ER visits.
- Proactively identifying asthma patients and explaining the medication regimen

Always Answer the Phone
This oncology department's service scores went up when it corrected wrong numbers, added voice mail and made other improvements.
- Providing the best service to our patients and members means being there for them.
- Providing correct phone numbers is a good first step

Be Quiet. Respect Nap Time
When this mother/baby unit instituted a regular nap time, moms got more rest and the success for breastfeeding increased.
- Nap times help reduce the number of requests for respite care.
- Created an afternoon nap time, and communicated to staff and family about this quiet period

Easing the Pain
The maternity team's laser-focus on pain management helps it keep service scores high. standardized pain medication schedules, communicated when next meds were scheduled, and reinforced the "no-pass" policy.
- Helping new moms manage pain is a key part of providing excellent service.
- Standardizing pain medication schedules

Improve Inpatient Med Deliveries
The pharmacy posted laminated cards of commonly used drugs, they made deliveries 15 minutes early, and color-coded bins of new meds to distinguish from discontinued meds.
- Reducing the number of overdue meds ensures proper care.
- Identifying potential pharmacy delays can improve service

Make Low-Sodium Meals Tastier
Food services included Mrs. Dash seasoning packets with meals, wrote scripts to explain the idea, and informed patients about diet options.
- Providing patients with healthy and tasty food helps them heal
- A little packet of Mrs. Dash can go a long way to making low-sodium palatable

Share Your Schedules
Center shared scheduling data with other departments, respected their processes, and got everyone on the same page.
- Coordinating schedules prevents patients from getting turned away.
- Sharing scheduling data between departments improves patient care