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How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
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Bring Mail Together and Save
These team saved thousands of dollars when it took gradual steps to centralize mail processing for whole region. negotiated lower rates for vendor services.
- Saving money helps us keep KP affordable for members and patients.
- Facilities sorted and metered mail at fewer locations, enabling the team to negotiate lower rates for vendor services

Getting Better at Collecting Third-Party Billings
Collecting money owed from third parties skyrocketed when this finance team trained up staff and used the electronic tools at their fingertips.
- To keep KP affordable for all patients and members, we need to collect the money owed to us.
- Teaching how to code for workplace injuries and accidents

Creative Thinking Speeds Up Lab
After it rejiggered its workflows, this lab team cut wait times dramatically.
- Patients waiting an hour at the lab is unacceptable.
- Shifting schedules to accommodate more patients

New Needles Bruise Less, Please Patients
Complaints about bruising dropped after this lab team took action to identify the root of the problem and get better supplies.
- A gentle touch shows patients we care and reduces their anxiety.
- Switching to a different needle provider

Ensure On-Time Blood Labs
This team's ability to get results back to doctors quickly improved when it tweaked workflows and schedules.
- Delivering blood results on time provides better patient care.
- Having lab assistants round to pick up blood samples earlier

Cut Transport Turnaround Times
This Transport team got patients discharged or to their next destination quicker when they began keeping gurneys where they were needed, cleaned and ready for the next patient.
- Reducing transport times improves inpatient care, service and efficiency.
- Placing equipment where needed

Fast Pass Reduces Unneeded Tests
The lab team saved time and money when it identified which tests oncology patients actually needed, they created a pass to get patients to the front of the line, and fast-tracked the processing of tests.
- Getting the patient through the lab more quickly gets them diagnosed sooner.
- A "golden ticket" fast track system ensured patients got the tests they needed

Speeding Up Door-to-Door Trips
Transport time dropped when this team coordinated with other departments, ensured labs and meds were ready and made other improvements.
- A long wheelchair ride is inefficient and poor patient service.
- Getting better chairs improved transport times

Go Blue to Green and Save
A Med/Surg unit set up designated bins in operating rooms for blue wrap recycling and educated staff about proper use, helping save money and protect our earth.
- Recycling blue wrap saves money and helps the environment.
- Placing blue wrap recycling container in operating rooms

Mistakes Cost Money
Admitting team increased training to ensure accuracy of data, created a reference tool for self-review, and conducted self-audits to catch mistakes.
- Hospitals need to file correct Medicare forms for proper reimbursement.
- Training and teamwork can improve the accuracy of Medicare forms

Scheduling Helps Cut Med Waste
Stacking your appointment schedule can help offset cancer medication costs.
- A same-day schedule for patients who use the same IV drug can reduce waste.
- Scheduling cancer patients on the same day brought costs down

Standard Needles Save Money
A standard needle is just as effective as a butterfly needle and costs less.
- Reduce costs and maintain quality of care with standard needles.
- Using standard needles will save your lab money