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Fast Pass Reduces Unneeded Tests
The lab team saved time and money when it identified which tests oncology patients actually needed, they created a pass to get patients to the front of the line, and fast-tracked the processing of tests.
- Getting the patient through the lab more quickly gets them diagnosed sooner.
- A "golden ticket" fast track system ensured patients got the tests they needed

Speak Up on Patient Malnutrition
The nutrition team improved communication to better identify and treat malnourished patients.
- Patients with malnutrition may not be apparent during short hospital stay.
- Using key phrases to identify malnourished patients

Speeding Up Door-to-Door Trips
Transport time dropped when this team coordinated with other departments, ensured labs and meds were ready and made other improvements.
- A long wheelchair ride is inefficient and poor patient service.
- Getting better chairs improved transport times

The Key to Great Service: Call and Response
Service scores shot up when this oncology team paired a nurse with a buddy to help with patient response.
- Responding to a patient’s needs is central to their care.
- Pairing with a buddy can shorten patient response times

"Bladder Bundle" Protects Patient Safety
Team decreased the number of bladder infections—from nearly 20 infections per 1,000 catheter days down to near zero within six months.
- Urinary tract infections caused by catheters can lengthen hospital stays and complicate a patient’s recovery.
- Nurses using an evaluation checklist to determine whether the catheter was medically necessary and properly secured

Stopping the Line for Safety
Errors drop significantly as team improved its process and culture.
- Poor communication accounts for more than 60 percent of medication errors nationwide, and contributes to a significant increase in patient complications or death.
- Radiologic technologists are asked to speak up immediately and “stop the line” if they encounter any deviation from workflow or a risk to patient safety.

Create Surgery Wait List
Dedicated employee shrinks surgery wait list backlog by 70 percent, clearing the way to fit emergency patients into the schedule.
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery patients were complaining about the wait for surgery, and the backlog prevented the scheduling of emergency surgeries.
- Created a wait list and called patients in order when there was an opening for surgery, so the process was fair to all patients.

No One Walks Alone
From an average of 16 patient falls per month, the number went down to three a month.
- Both patients and morale were suffering at the San Diego Medical Center telemetry unit, which had twice as many patient falls as the next-worst unit.
- Treat every patient as a fall risk and ensure each patient is accompanied — especially to and from the bathroom, when most falls occur

A Drop in Patient-Lifting Injuries
No staff injuries related to patient handling for 140 days thanks to signs, better communication.
- Absences, stress and worker’s compensation claims decreased when patient-handling injuries were reduced to zero in 140 days, down from two to four per quarter.
- Used signs to visually remind to nurses and other staff about the importance of working safely.

Preventing Patient Falls
Team reduced patient falls by 40 percent in one year.
- Keeping patients safe is a top priority.
- Daily huddles and debriefs

Preventing Pressure Ulcers
The team went two years without a single instance of a serious pressure ulcer resulting from a respiratory aid.
- We are committed to keeping patients free from hospital-acquired ulcers
- Testing and evaluating new, better supplies and equipment

Why Speaking Up Matters
Patients suffer fewer hospital-acquired infections and staff has high morale and low turnover.
- Speaking up leads to fewer patient infections and more satisfied staff.
- Physicians, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers and other caregivers take part in multidisciplinary daily patient rounding together