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Personalizing Care for Patients
Asking patients about their sexual orientation and gender identity is helping Addiction Medicine team members better identify and treat patients' health risks and needs.
- Collecting sensitive, personal information from patients can tell you a lot about their health risks and needs and help improve the quality of care for all Kaiser Permanente members.
- Creating a standardized process to collect information about patients’ sexual orientation, gender identity, and preferred pronouns.

Improving Access to Spinal Care
This specialty care team reduced evaluation wait times for Medicaid patients by 35% over 4 months after everyone got involved and they began scheduling phone appointments.
- Cutting evaluation wait times mean patients are connected to care sooner.
- Involving the entire team in the effort to administer patient evaluations.

Saving Money Through Prescriptions
Pharmacy UBT reduced the number of high-cost prescriptions filled outside KP pharmacies and saved over $108,000 in 2021.
- When health plan members use KP pharmacies, the cost is lower for them and for the organization.
- Team members contacted Kaiser Permanente patients who filled prescriptions outside KP pharmacies and explained the benefits of ordering their medications within KP.

Ensuring Patients’ Wishes in Times of Need
Increased the number of patients completing advance directives from 20 percent to 80 percent in 3 months.
- Advance directives give patients a say in their care plan while they can make informed decisions and help make their choices known to family members and their doctor.
- Creating a process for medical assistants to verify, update and offer information about advance care directives to radiation oncology patients

Pharmacy Helps Patients Get Mammograms
The team worked with Imaging department staff to identify patients overdue for breast cancer screenings and to help fast-track their mammogram appointments.
- Preventive screenings are important to detect disease early, when treatment is most effective.
- Checking patients’ electronic medical records to identify those due for breast cancer screenings

Tracking Time Yields Results
Wait time for lab results fell by 56% after team members adjusted their workflow and schedules.
- Delivering timely results reduces patient anxiety and enables physicians to diagnose and treat patients sooner.
- Documenting and tracking the time to process tissue specimens

Teamwork Keeps Inventory in Check
This pharmacy team reduced the cost of expired medications by 90 percent after partnering with data specialists to identify and remove outdated drugs from the shelf.
- Keeping outdated medications in stock is a waste of money and a potential safety hazard if dispensed to patients.
- Unit-based team members worked with pharmacy analysts to identify slow moving medications and monitored the inventory to avoid over-stocking them.